ترغیب و ترہیب کا قرآنی اسلوب:معاشرتی اثرات کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Qur'anic Style of Persuasion and Intimidation: An Analytical Study of Social Implications
Motivation, Encouragement, Styles, Social Effects, Right and Wrong ترغیب و ترہیب ،حوصلہ افزائی، انداز، سماجی اثرات، صحیح اور غلط: کلیدی الفاظAbstract
In the Holy Qur'an, Allah has given numerous signs of the Oneness of Himself, the sending of the Prophets () and the truth of the religion of Islam. Explained the authorities, duties, worships, issues and beliefs of Islam clearly so that no one has any excuse left. Allah Ta'ala has given man the knowledge of good and evil and the knowledge of right and wrong and has also invested in him the desire to choose good and to avoid evil, but this nature of his is not like the instinct of animals that he is afraid of it. He cannot deviate, but he also has authority within himself, for this reason, sometimes he becomes blind in the love of this world and following his desires in such a way that while being aware of right and wrong, he not only follows falsehood, but falsehood. It also invents philosophies in support of Therefore, by adopting different styles of encouragement and motivation, Allah told man to stay on the right path and to avoid following the desires of the self, which had a great impact on human life. Allah Ta'ala laid down principles for every field of human life in the Holy Qur'an, the Prophet (ﷺ) explained it and the Companions of the Prophet (ﷺ) lived by these principles. The religion of Islam has an attraction within it; it encourages people to do good and prevents them from doing evil. The styles of motivation and encouragement in the Holy Qur’an have great importance in the society. The purpose of this paper is to describe the social effects of motivation and encouragement in the light of the style of the Qur'an and to prevent people from unnecessary desires so that they stay away from social evils and tend towards goodness by adopting the style of the Qur’an.