خواجہ محمد عبدالغفار المعروف پیر مٹھا سائیںرح کی تعلیمات کا تحقیقی جائزہ
A Research Review of the Teachings of Khuwaja Muhammad Abdul Ghaffar Alias Pir Mitha Sain (R.A)
Pir Mitha Saeen (R.A.), Rehmatpur, Shariah, Religious, Spirituality.Abstract
The religious and scholarly services rendered by Hazrat Khwaja Muhammad Abdul Ghaffar, popularly known as Pir Mitha Saeen (R.A.), are the subject of this research project. This study examines the effects of Hazrat Pir Muhammad Abdul Ghaffar's educational services on the way of life and character of the community, emphasizing the creation of a system of discipline that made everyone happy. In the paper, it is discussed how a distinct settlement was established in Rehmatpur, emphasizing the importance of adhering to Shariah, purity, and piety. The system enforced rules including praying in congregation, forbidding music-related activities, and resolving conflicts in accordance with Shariah. The study also explores training and lessons given throughout Ramadan, highlighting the significance of religious instruction for both genders.The study also clarifies the effect of the teachings of Hazrat Pir Abdul Ghaffar on changing people's life, promoting morality, and developing a sense of spirituality. The research delves deeper into the teachings and sage advice of Hazrat Pir Abdul Ghaffar, highlighting the significance of true beliefs, remembering Allah, and abiding by Shariah laws. The goal of the study is to shed light on the significant impact that Hazrat Pir Abdul Ghaffar's spiritual guidance has had on both people and society as a whole through a thorough examination of his teachings and practices.